Egglo Entertainment has a number of items available to help a family or church host a special, Christ-centered Easter Egg Hunt that is not only spiritually engaging, but fun. For our review, we received a few special items to use alongside our eggs:
- The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Book
- Egglo Treasures Scripture Scrolls
- Egglo Bible Verse Stickers
- A downloadable version of The Egglo Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt Event Curriculum
About the products: The program is based on the verse "Jesus is the Light of the World". Each and every item is designed to be a part of a fun event, pointing children to Jesus Christ. The eggs glow in the dark because Jesus is a light in a dark world.
First things first: I downloaded and read through the 62 page curriculum guide, which is chock full of really creative ideas to host a successful Easter event for any size group. There are printable posters, invitations, and signs, as well as teaching suggestions for a teacher or parent to present the lesson to the participants before they start their search. There are also fun party games and ideas, along with several snack ideas to reinforce the lesson. At the end of the curriculum guide are lovely printable coloring pages for the children to take home.
An Egglo printable coloring page |
Egg Hunt prizes: The small scrolls and stickers fit nicely inside the eggs and can be used as special prizes. There are plenty of other creative suggestions to use them though, if you want to stretch them beyond just the eggs. Suggestions for large groups include placing tickets inside the eggs, which lead to a prize, or using the scrolls and stickers as part of a 'scavenger hunt' to discover the truths of Easter.
Small Scripture scrolls and stickers fit nicely inside the eggs. |
The Story: Reading the Adventure Book first with the children will get them even more excited about the hunt. All the pieces of the egg hunt are found in the story. It is a 40 page softcover book that features the adventures of 3 children, cousins, who are getting ready for Easter. They have typical child-like problems, which are solved by a pretend adventure they travel on after finding a special glowing egg in the attic. In the story, readers will find the glowing eggs, plenty of sources of light, Scripture scrolls, and signs that match the Scripture stickers. At the end of their journey they find a treasure: a scroll which explains the true meaning of Easter, and a Bible that declares itself a "light to their path".
How we used our Egglo Eggs: My children, ages 9 and 13, both read through the book, and had a blast playing with the eggs, laying them out in various shapes. We "charged up" the eggs by placing them directly under a lamp for about 6 hours. (I assume that sunlight would 'charge' them brighter, but we have very little of it here in New York right now, so the lamp was the best we could do). Once charged, the eggs glowed for about an hour. I thought they were rather dim, but I imagine they would be much brighter if charged in direct sunlight. When it was dark, I hid them all around our living room, and turned off all the lights. The girls came and searched for the eggs, and easily found all twelve eggs pretty quickly. They had a lot of fun searching for them. Most of the eggs were pretty easy to spot in the darkness. We are a "glow stick" loving family, so these glowing eggs were a pretty popular item.
What we thought: As I mentioned, the girls really liked the eggs. They liked how they glowed and enjoyed searching for them. They continued to play with them in the dark after they found them all. The 9 year old was definitely more 'into' them, and the whole story line, then the 13 year old, but I think that's pretty typical and just reflects the age range that these were designed for. The girls didn't like the adventure book that much, because they both felt the story had too much 'pretend' in it. The story is obviously a fictitious adventure, and would probably appeal to a younger age group than my girls. Though we had a difficult time with the paper coming out of the plastic ends on the scrolls when we unrolled them, the girls thought they looked really neat - just like a real ancient Hebrew scroll. I was very impressed with the creativity of the curriculum guide. As a person who likes to find creative ideas and borrow them for my own use, this was very appealing. I love how thorough the program is, and how it can be adapted for any size group, age range, or audience. It definitely can be an effective tool for children's ministry.
Note: Verses in the book and on the stickers are written in the New International Version. The statements on the scrolls are 'based on' verses but do not quote them directly.
To read about all the creative ways that members of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew used the Egglo glow-in-the-dark Easter eggs in their home school, click the banner below:

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