
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking Ahead to 2015

The blog has been quiet as we battled much sickness over the past two weeks. Influenza and its associated problems eclipsed our Christmas.

Several blog posts, looking back at 2014, have been scrapped. I have looked over the posts that won top views from this past year, and most have to do with fun projects that we have done for Science and History. There are also several recipes that made it into the top ten.

For 2015, there are several different areas this blog will be focusing on. Fun stuff. I want to really be a help to other families out there. I don't consider myself an expert on anything really...but I do find some fun and helpful stuff, and I plan on sharing it here. Perhaps it will be a help to someone else!

Here are a few areas that I will promote on the blog in 2015:

  1. Review from The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew - checking out new curriculum and home school materials, and showing you how they worked in our family.
  2. From My Bookshelf: Periodic reviews of books we are currently reading.
  3. Family Movie Night: Periodic reviews of new movies we find. I know how hard it is to find movies that will stay in tune with our conservative Christian family values. When I find them, I will share about them.
  4. Family Game Night: Fun new games that we come across.
  5. Organized Home Project: I am joining up with a 34 week decluttering and organizing project and will share results and ideas here.
  6. Recipes - I will continue to share allergy friendly recipes as we create them.

If you are not a current follower of the blog, I recommend signing up to follow by email (you'll find the spot to do this on the right side of the page) to keep in touch!

May God give you a blessed 2015!



  1. Erica, so sorry you all have been feeling poorly! Praying you are on the mend. I love these ideas and can't wait to see the games, books and movies. Glad you are joining us with 34 Weeks of Clean! I will be cheering you on!

    1. Thanks Michele - looking forward to 34 weeks of clean!


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