
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blogging Through the Alphabet - Z

So...this is my last post on the "blogging through the alphabet" journey I started last spring. It's been a lot of fun, and I hope you have found the posts meaningful and enjoyable.

For my 'Z' post I would like to write about a book (and movie) that my girls have really enjoyed.

Z is for Zipporah Feldman
Dear America: Dreams in the Golden Country

"Dreams in the Golden Country" is an historical fiction book in the "Dear America" series. It is written for the middle school/junior high level (grades 6-8) but all the girls enjoyed reading it. There is also an accompanying VHS movie that our library has, that we have watched over and over!
In this story, "Zippy" is a young lady whose Jewish family immigrates to America from Russia in the early 1900's. They join a thriving immigrant community in New York City, and learn the new ways of America while trying to hang on to some of the traditions of the old country. They must start at the very bottom, learning English and earning their way. My children laughed and cried over the real life stories that were made so real, including love, death, and tragedy. The Jewish customs are explained carefully and respectfully, so that we got a true sense of how life really was for this family. While they are a fictitious family, the details of the book are based on true historical facts.
While we have enjoyed most of the books in the "Dear America" series, this one is our family favorite.
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Copyright 2012-2013 - "Be The One" -  All rights are reserved. No text, photos, or content may be reproduced without direct permission from the author.

This post is linked with "Blogging Through The Alphabet" at "Ben and Me".

Blogging Through the Alphabet

1 comment:

  1. I will have to look into this series for when my girls are older. This story sounds like one I would enjoy. Thanks for stopping by and sharing with Throwback Thursday Blog-Style. I can't wait to see what you share this week.


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