
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Civil War VBS

If you have noticed that the blog has been a little're right! You're not imagining it...

We just finished a week long VBS that was set up as a Civil War encampment. It was fun, inspirational, spiritual, and educational! Everything was set up to simulate a Civil War camp, and the kids were split into four teams under four 'generals'.

And just so you know....we did do a little history revision - the South won our 'war'!

All of our decorations were handmade by our wonderful VBS crew. All the girls wore bonnets, sewed by one of our dear moms, and all the boys wore blue/gray hats decorated by another mom. Even the general's costumes were sewed by one of our seamstresses. I am continually amazed by the talent and dedication of the people I work with!

Here are some fun pictures to share:
Theme graphic:

Preaching in front of a beautiful hand painted backdrop:

The Union teams:

The Confederate teams:

The General's office:

Old fashioned table setting:

Field Dressing Station:

"Blood-stained" cloth bandages:

Medical Station:

Battlefield Medicine:


"Civil War Era" ladies:

Information Station:

Battlefield cooking:

Homemade cannon complete with cannon balls:

Rugged chapel benches:

Field fencing:


Mosaic crafts:


Chaplain preaching the Word:

The fearless generals and Confederate soldier:


Copyright 2012-2013 - "Be The One" -  All rights are reserved. No text, photos, or content may be reproduced without direct permission from the author.

Since I missed my regular week of "Blogging Through The Alphabet" but this post is all about WAR I am going to count it as my "W" week.

Blogging Through the Alphabet


  1. That looks like a really awesome VBS. My kids would've loved to have come.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!