
Friday, November 23, 2012

A Few Thanksgiving Projects

This year we tried a few new things to make Thanksgiving a bit more festive. It's fun as the children get older and are able to take on more complicated projects. They can see an idea and run with it, and it doesn't require as much preparation and work on my part. It does make for interesting projects sometimes.... but it is also nice to show them a picture of an idea and see them take off with it.
For the table, we made place cards for everyone, using white cardstock, colored ink stamp pads, and fingertips! A sharpie marker and white out added on some details, and the names of those dining at the table.

Someone got creative and tried a different perspective.

Then the girls got the awesome idea to add some games and things to do on the inside of the cards, to give some entertainment at the dinner table. They found some fun Thanksgiving Mad Libs and printed them out and glued them on the inside.

I am always looking for some type of project to remind us of the many blessings we have and things we have to be thankful for. This is what makes Thanksgiving one of my favorite holidays. I love the fact that we have a whole day set aside to help us adjust our focus and ponder on how good God has been to us, and how blessed we truly are.
On Pinterest, I saw an idea for a "Thankful Tree".  We set up one on our coffee table, and the girls cut out some colored leaves.

We put fresh cranberries in the vase that we used as a base for the branches, which added a pretty touch.

Everyone in the family was able to write something that they are thankful for on a leaf, and then those leaves were taped onto the tree branches.

Even the grandparents got into it!

I really enjoyed looking at all the different things that the girls thought of to put onto the tree. They definitely have some really neat ideas, and it made my heart glad to see what they think of when pondering on the blessings in their life.  They keep asking to leave the tree up for awhile and not take it down! I suppose we'll leave it there till the Christmas decorations come out!
Happy Thanksgiving and I hope it was a blessed one for you!

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1 comment:

  1. Both crafts looked great Ladies....what a blessing to have soooo much to be thankful for! I love the cranberry filler for the vase too!


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