
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Blogging Through The Alphabet - V

V is for "Valiant For The Truth"

"Valiant For the Truth" is a Bible curriculum that we have used in our homeschool for our oldest. It is written by Dr. Sam Gipp, and is suggested for grades 11-12. There are 24 booklets in all, covering 2 years worth of work. The curriculum is set up in format similar to "paces" where the student reads material then answers questions about it, taking a test at the end.

This curriculum covers many common questions that people have regarding the Bible: where it came from, how it was translated, a lot of information concerning all the different versions, etc. It has so much historical information, and thoroughly prepares a young person to defend their faith in God's Word. We learned so much from it, and plan on using it again this year for our next daughter, as she enters 11th grade.

The website for ordering or more information is here. The entire two year course can be purchased for $72 which includes all the student text and tests, as well as a teacher's score key.

I am not affiliated with this company, nor do I receive any compensation for promoting this product on my blog. Just sharing something that we have found that we liked, and want to pass on for anyone who might be interested!

As we are setting up our curriculum and organizing school for 2013-2014, I am sharing this post as a "blogging through the alphabet" post at "Ben and Me".

Blogging Through the Alphabet

Copyright 2012-2013 - "Be The One" -  All rights are reserved. No text, photos, or content may be reproduced without direct permission from the author.

1 comment:

  1. Tucking this away for a couple of years from now. Thanks for sharing about it -- sounds great!

    And thanks for linking up with me!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!