
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Missions Conference Displays

This week is Missions Conference at our church:

Every year, there is a competition that anyone can enter. Participants set up a display representing a country or missionary that is special to them, and prepare a presentation to go along with the display. The presentation can be anything about the country or the missionary. Some people even dress up in native clothing, or have giveaways that are from that country. It is a lot of fun, and a great way to get people more involved in the missions conference. The displays are really well done, and people really go all out to make it fun and interesting!

This year, the girls paired up - the younger ones made a display representing Ireland, and the older ones made a display representing Papua, New Guinea. For their presentations, Heather talked about PNG and her trip there, and Melissa played an Irish song on the penny whistle.

Here are some pictures of what they did for their displays:

This display featured missionaries that we know personally (and have visited!) in Ireland. Melissa and Kelly made small chocolates to give away, to remind everyone to pray for Ireland.

They also made the "pot of gold" project that I posted about here, and held a drawing for someone to win this. All you had to do to enter the drawing was to take a picture of the missionaries and promise to pray for them!

Missionaries Craig & Nita Ledbetter

Heather and Laura's display had the bright PNG colors:

It included some native fruits and of course, coffee candy!

Heather made a photo collage of the missionaries that she visited, and also gave them away, so that people could keep the missionaries in prayer:

Some of the other displays that were built and entered into the competition:


Some of the teens in our youth group built a hut to represent Guyana. It was pretty cool!

Guyana Water lily:

Old Time Baptist's Bus Ministry:

We are looking forward to Friday night, when there will be an International Dinner with foods from all over the world. This is also a competition, and the girls are looking over recipes to see what they want to make. I will try to get some more pictures of that!

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