
Monday, March 18, 2013

Blogging Through the Alphabet: A

One of my fellow Crew members on The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew sent out a call for bloggers to join up with a link to "Blog Through the Alphabet" for the next 26 weeks. All this blogging stuff is still so new to me, and sometimes I need a bit of direction for topics to write about, so I thought this would be a great motivator to help me explore some new blog topics.  I hope you enjoy the weekly journey of random things in my life, as I blog through the alphabet!

A - Abbott and Costello

If you have never had the opportunity to enjoy some good, clean, old time comedy with Abbott and Costello, then let me say that you are really missing out! My family has really enjoyed most of their stuff (I say most - let me just give this disclaimer that while they are old fashioned, they are not Christian, so it is important to sift through the material and discard what doesn't mesh with your values). There are a few old video clips that we like to watch over and over, that will always have us roaring in laughter no matter how often we have seen them!

My kids also like to take their favorite Abbott & Costello routine ("Who's on First?") and adapt it to different situations. We have had "Who's on First?" scenarios involving doctors, church staff, and characters in their history books, to name a few.....

Laughter is a great medicine, and a great distractor, especially when times are tough.

I am including a short video clip.  Hope it gives you a tickle in your funny bone today!

To read some other fun "Blogging Through the Alphabet" posts, click the button below.

Blogging Through the Alphabet    

Copyright 2012-2013 - "Be The One" -  All rights are reserved. No text, photos, or content may be reproduced without direct permission from the author.


  1. Classic Humor! I like your idea of random blog topics for blogging through the alphabet. I'm doing the alphabet out of order with my two preschoolers, so I won't have a post every week, but I'm looking forward to following along.

  2. Laughter *IS* great medicine. We haven't watched much of these two...might have to check them out. Good, clean fun is hard to find these days. Stopping by from BTA. Blessings!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!