
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Erie County Fair

We spent a fun day at the Erie County Fair recently, and took lots of fun pictures to share. The girls really like spending time with all the different animals, and there are so many varieties of animals on display at the fair.

Visiting the "Moo"ternity ward and seeing the newborn calves:

Trying her hand at milking a cow!

Lots of babies to see, including piglets and mini donkeys:

Feeding pygmy goats:

Of course we had to visit the horses!

And the girls fell in love with this little dwarf bunny:

We got to watch a draft horse demonstration:

And watch a show called "Mutts Gone Nuts!" where dogs did all kinds of tricks - the most fascinating trick being this pup who walked across a high wire:

We spent a lot of time visiting the butterfly tent and hand feeding lots of different butterflies:

The girls also enjoy visiting the historical building where one of their favorite things to do is watch this man create marbled paper:

Another fascinating thing in the historical building was the old fashioned doctor's office. The girls enjoyed comparing what was there to what they see now. This old time doctor's bag likely has some interesting stories in it's history!

Last but not least, we visited the Creative Arts building to check on two paintings that Kelly entered, and were so thrilled to see both with first place ribbons, and one with a special award! 

It was such a fun year at the Fair, and we are already looking forward to next year!

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